Welcome to
Curators of Grace 

Imagine your life as a sacred space, a museum of honor to bring glory to our Father in Heaven. It's being filled with collections of graced stories of glory and hope and also brokenness and pain. 

God's grace is interwoven throughout every story whether we've recognized it or not.

What if you could speak and hear words of kindness, hope, honor, and grace over all 
those stories?

What if you could intentionally choose new stories informed by the old? What if those new stories could be beautifully embellished and graced with thoughts and deeds that you choose that will point you and your loved ones to truth about God and who they are and you are in Him? 

And what if the pattern of the past and current stories could inform you of your unique call in this world?

All of this is possible. We are already creating stories, telling stories, and allowing the past to inform us in some way.

Whether we realize it or not, we are creating a collection of stories that are wrapped in truths (or mistruths) and grace (or lack of it). It's our passion to assist and encourage Christians in collecting God's grace and truth, preserving it in their hearts and minds, exhibiting it in their spheres of influence and sharing it with those God has called them to love.

Just as a curator of a gallery or museum takes his or her job seriously, we as Christians must take seriously what we curate in our lives.

You are not alone. You have a Master Curator over your collection, our Heavenly Father, and you have fellow curators encouraging you along the way. 

That's what we do here at Curators of Grace. We are your fellow curators. 

We too have had seasons when we've hung dark pictures that depicted little light. We've gone through seasons of stories painted with doubt, failure, anger, grief, stress, and lack of               grace and truth.

We're here to encourage you to abide in Christ, live out your identity in Him by faith, and understand your unique story in this world. We help you see how all these things impact the paths and new stories you're able to choose and take steps toward creating new stories of grace and truth. We do this by using God's Word, on-demand courses, live courses, one-on-one coaching, and practical tools. These unique tools help with awareness, learning, cooperating with God's enabling work in you, and remembering all that is true about God our Father and you as His dearly loved child.

Would you join us in this adventure?

Write your awesome label here.

We are here to help you turn toward grace...

Do you long to enter a sacred space of leaning on and growing in the Lord? The work we do here is done to help you readily remember, speak, and live out grace and truth consistently in your daily life. We help you look back with eyes of faith and grace and look forward with eyes of hope. 

Why do we do this? 

Because we know personally how hard it is to do this consistently. We know that encouragement in these things is life-altering for individuals and families. 

The courses and tools here are meant to nourish you with truth about who Christ is, who you are in Him, and how His grace impacts your life. 

In addition to this encouragement, we seek to help you remember and apply these truths more and more consistently in your everyday life and coach your own loved ones to do the same. 

Would you and your loved ones benefit from that?

Join us in being Curators of Grace and helping others do the same!

Amy Jung, Grace Coach

My approach

A plan to encourage and equip you to remember consistently and live more readily according to who your Heavenly Father is and who you are in Him by faith...

1. Get Equipped to More Readily Remember God's Grace and Truth When  With On-Demand Recorded Classes to Help You In Your Spiritual Growth

Receive a variety of high quality, on-demand classes that will train you to remember who Christ is, who you are in Him, and to apply grace to all of life. This is done through Biblical truths  combined with hands on coaching tools that work with the unique way God has wired our brains to learn.

2. Be Encouraged in What You're Learning With Live Group Coaching Offerings Filled With God's Word, Creative Questions, Discussion, and Prayer 

Through weekly, live coaching meetings, consider questions, that help you be aware of the unique roadblocks that have made it difficult for you to move forward as well as questions to help you begin to take steps forward beyond the roadblocks. My goal is to help you become the best coach to yourself, asking thoughtful questions and reminding yourself of grace and truth.

3. Reach Goals Through One-On-One Live Coaching, Goal Setting, and Accountability

Want more? I offer an option for one-on-one live coaching when we can work on your own agenda, tackle specific challenges, set goals, and receive accountability.

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Some of my courses

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