What are you curating?

Our goal is to help Christians truly grasp who God is and who they are in Him and apply that to their past and current life story. We believe that as we do that, we are better able to move toward the future with hope and purpose. It's our hope that you will know God's grace and truth and apply it to your life, home, and work  in practical ways through resources we offer here which include recorded and live life coaching sessions.

While I take on the main coaching here, my husband and pastor, Darrell, assists me. We have a passion to continue to grow in being curators of grace and truth in our own home and help others do the same.

A curator is responsible for the care, management, and interpretation of collections in cultural institutions. Their role involves a combination of collection, preservation, and exhibition for others.

As Christians, we can and should do the same with our own life stories of God's                      grace and truth.

Our passion is to help you see yourself as the curator of grace and truth in the cultural institution of your home, work, school, and other circles of influence. We  help you remember to see your role of collecting stories of God's truth and grace, preserving them in your heart and mind, exhibiting them in your spheres of influence, sharing them with those God has called you to love, and being changed by them as you do so.

Are  you ready to start?

My story

I've been there

Do you feel trapped in a cycle of living from a place of fear, anger, worry, irritation, guilt, frustration, hopelessness, or even laziness?

While those feelings will come and go, the realities of God's grace and truth are here to stay. 

As a graduate of Covenant Theological Seminary and  a Certified Life Coach, Mental Health Coach, and Board Certified Biblical Counselor (American Association of Christian Counselors), I am trained in understanding and applying grace and dedicated to helping others grasp and apply it to their lives.  I am constantly learning and growing (imperfectly!) in doing this myself.  Over the years, I've developed tools that honor how God has wired us to learn and have helped others and myself to remember and apply truth. Remembering and applying truth and grace is a way of abiding in Christ and cooperating with the Holy Spirit's work in  our lives.

Jesus calls us to this...

"Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide            in me." -John 15:4

He works in us by His Spirit, and we are called to cooperate and to do the work of remembering and yielding and applying.

Sounds easy, doesn't it? 

So, why don't we do it consistently?

It's easy to forget!

As an experienced life coach, and biblical counselor, I am excited to say I'm ready to help you. My pastor-husband, Darrell, who assists me in this ministry is ready as well. We consider it a joy and privilege to walk with parents to the throne of grace so that we, together, can find help and mercy in our time of need.

Will you join us in the journey!

What my clients have to say...

My life has been filled with many broken things. Building walls was the only way to protect my heart from being hurt again. Meeting with Amy has helped me to see the lies of these walls and the danger of isolation. Her compassion to see the “prisoners set free” compels you to see the truth in yourself and others. With Amy, there are no judgments. I always felt her only goal is to help me be the authentic person God has created me to be.”  
Amy is an awesome coach! What I love about her is that she is a genuine listener. Many helpers I have tried to use in the past try to push their own agenda but Amy truly listens and discerns what I might need then compassionately asks the right questions and lets me answer the question instead of suggesting. This has helped build my autonomy and confidence in my decision making helping me to move forward. I’ve had the pleasure of receiving Amy’s coaching on a couple of different topics over time and each time she has helped me begin to walk out where God was leading me. I now look forward to trying to use her services through her equestrian coaching in the very
near future! 

Amy Jung worked with me as a coach when I needed help focusing on an area of my life that was –well, a mess. Amy was encouraging and supportive. Most importantly, she used Scripture as the foundation for all our conversations. Amy was honest about sin while always pointing to Jesus and His grace at work in my life. I was overwhelmed and ashamed but Amy came aside of me as a sister in Christ and, with wisdom, helped me see the hope available in Christ.”  

Words | live by

"Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need."
Hebrews 4:16, ESV

Remember Grace 

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